Computer Security (Cybersecurity)
Finding an App to Manage Passwords
Finding an App to Manage Passwords
Like many business travelers, I tend to shy away from booking vacation rentals while out on business. The product experience is varied and ...
These days, being “on the clock” means more than just punching a time card. New apps and gadgets are making it possible for companies to ...
Win+P toggles between the devices that receive video card's output. The default is computer monitor only. Other options are video projector only, both showing the same image and both showing a portion of a larger desktop.
In windows 8: The Apps view is where you can see all apps installed on your PC. In Apps view, you can open apps, pin them to Start, or pin them to the desktop taskbar.To get to the Apps view, slide up from the middle of the Start screen, or click the arrow near the lower-left corner of the Start screen.